Wallwork Genealogy

This branch of the Wallwork family has been traced back to John Wallwork, who was born around 1705 and who married Elizabeth Whitehead on 29 January 1729 in Oldham, Lancashire.

These family tree pages also include several members of the Bennison family

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In 1806, Joseph Wallwork was one of 50 people who went with John Whittaker from Oldham to Ashton-under-Lyne where he started a cotton spinning and weaving mill at Hurst. Several generations of the family worked in the Lancashire cotton industry.

The Wallwork family tree pages include all non-living people in this database, so have more details of families of spouses etc, but less detail about individuals than is shown for John Wallwork's descendants.

Most of the research into this family was done by Stephen C. Wallwork, assisted by Mr Lloyd, and by Ray Wallwork (whose webpages are at Wallwork.org.uk) assisted by Bunny Best.

Much of the information on earlier generations came from transcriptions of Oldham parish registers made in 1889 by Giles Shaw. In 1963, Stephen Wallwork noted all references to the Wallwork surname. His notes include details of several early Wallworks not included in our family tree.

We don't yet have many phographs of previous generations of the Wallwork family here. A photograph taken in approximately 1960 shows (clockwise from top left) Frank and Edward Wallwork, Frank's wife Edith (nee Bennison) and Edward's wife Annie.

A list of a few Wallworks who have come to public notice appears in the Notable Wallworks page. This is by no means exhaustive, based primarily on internet searches, so please let us know if you know of corrections or updates.

Other Wallwork related information